Focus Softnet Expands Operations to North America

Toronto office to help Focus Softnet scale up North American operations and offer high-quality technical support and consulting services from a local team. Focus Softnet opened its newest office, in Toronto, Canada, in July, to better serve growing demand from the North American market. Through this new office, Focus Softnet plans to promote its enterprise software solutions and managed services offerings, including organisation change management, staffing solutions, Business Process Consulting and implementations services to customers in Canada and the US.

Focus Softnet Expands Operations to North America

“Over the last few years, Focus has seen great demand for our solutions from companies in the US and Canada. Expanding into North America at this time makes perfect strategic sense as we already have clients in the USA. Hence we opened our twenty-fourth global office in Toronto, which is also our first office in North America. This new office will help us scale up our North American operations and strengthen our ties with our local customers by offering them high-quality technical support and consulting services closer to home,” said Jawad Ali Khan, Regional CEO for Middle East, Africa and North America, Focus Softnet.

The company’s Toronto office will be headed by two senior experienced Focus employees, Kishore Kumar Kentali as Vice President Operations for Canada, and Santhosh Joseph Vaikath as Technical and Functional head. The company plans to recruit more people locally in the coming months while expanding its local operations.

Over the last two decades Focus Softnet has emerged into an established multinational organisation with an extensive worldwide network of 24 offices spread across 16 countries. The software development vendor works with Business Associates globally to bring its state-of-the-art products to the marketplace, which are deemed as absolute value for money. Carrying the same model in Canada, Focus Softnet intends to work very closely with system integrators, IT solution providers and consultants based on a highly rewarding revenue sharing model.

The Focus Suite of advanced business applications has enhanced business efficiency at more than 30,000 corporations across the globe.The company counts amongst its clients leading names such as Air Arabia, Boeing, National Bonds, ICCAT, Taleem, Chapal World, Ajman Bank, SNASCO, Alinco, Total Lubricants, to name a few.

Among the portfolio of enterprise applications that Focus will bring to North America are solutions such as Focus i, Focus RT, Focus POS and Focus PMS.